Monday, March 2, 2009

Ladyhawke | Paris Is Burning

Despite being hailed by many as one of the best newcomers of 2008, New Zealander Ladyhawke, aka Phillipa Brown, is still struggling to shift copies of her eponymous debut set. The reason why is clear - The Hawke's pastiche of 80's music draws its influences from some of the worst candidates, such as Ghostbusters hit-maker Ray Parker Jr. on her last single Dusk 'Til Dawn. In attempt to be the best straggler of 2009, she re-releases a Blondie-esque single from last July, Paris Is Burning. It's no doubt her catchiest tune to date, but that's not saying much. It's still the aural equivalent of tepid tea, and in a music world dominated by another Lady (Lady Gaga, to be precise), it's unlikely that this will save her album from the bargain bins.