Monday, July 14, 2014

Welcome Back... La Roux

La Roux is back and just as 80s as ever, but with a twist: singer Elly Jackson has not only jettisoned the over-the-top vocals and over-the-top production, but also her former producer/bandmate/general no1curr Ben Langmaid. She's also recently confessed to a fear of fame (a la Sia) and has adopted a sad-disco sound, so she's right on trend on all accounts. 5 years is a long time in pop, but the elusive chanteuse's half-decade hiatus has brought us a more mature and confident artist, best showcased on promo single #1 Let Me Down Gently:

Promo single #2, Uptight Downtown, is a more instant affair. Whilst LMDG takes you out for a cigarette, drunkenly confesses everything to you, then pulls you back inside for a spot of crying-at-the-discotheque action, UD drags you straight to the dancefloor and never you mind about that drink you just ordered. Conjuring the spirits of David Bowie's Let's Dance, its highlight is surely the portentous trumpets at the end of the pre-chorus:

If we've learned anything from all this, aside from Elly still thinking she's Tilda Swinton's daughter, it's that at least one thing hasn't changed about her - that trademark look of disdain. Thank goodness her new music is just as superior as her snarl.

La Roux's 2nd album, Trouble In Paradise, is set for release on 21st July.

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